Tuesday, May 6, 2014

ConsoleOne java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gwadj2 in java.library.path

Face lots of sweat, google 'ing and reading about installation of ConsoleOne 1.3.6h with Groupwise 2012 snapin. Too many tricks and it is not as direct as ABC. 
Required lots of twist and turn and finally success installed the snapin...

But... something not correct.. no pop up windows when select domain or creating new system.

Then do some troubleshooting and found out there is java error.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-O" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gwadj2 in java.library.path

Solution for the error... 

1. Edit ConsoleOne file under the bin
vi /usr/ConsoleOne/bin/ConsoleOne

2. Adding the path "/usr/ConsoleOne/bin" to LD_LIBRARY_PATH


3. Save and exit

4. Relaunch ConsoleOne

Everything works fine now...

ps: Credit to Novell Support Page

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