Monday, May 31, 2010

Reset cisco router to factory default

Sometimes.. you may forget the password for cisco router..
or prefer set back to factory default setting..

Then can use this way to reset back..

1. Connect to the cisco router using hyper terminal..
2. Restart the router..
3. Once see booting, press
Ctrl + break
4. you will access to RONMON
5. In ronmon, type
ronmon 1> confreg 0x2142
6. Hit enter and
ronmon 2> reset
7. Wait the router boot, then press "n" and enter, when asked to enter dialogue wizard.
8. Then start tpe the following command
conf t
config-register 0x2102
write erase
press enter

9. That all, you will see the router in factory default setting

Tested on Router 1841.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the best. It works.